Schoenberg Quartet

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Air of another planet


Preface – Jan Wolter Wabeke
Moved by beauty – Carol van Nijnatten

A quarter century of musical conviction. The Schoenberg Quartet celebrates a milestone. [Original title: Een kwart eeuw kwartetspelen uit overtuiging], copyright Niek Nelissen. Translation Ian Gaukroger. 

The following chapters and statistic data of the book
Air of another planet, 25 years Schoenberg Quartet, have been updated until the very last concert in May 2009.

165 compositions by 88 composers (In 2009: 207 compositions by 104 composers)
World premieres
Dutch premieres

Guest musicians, actors and dancers
Other artistic contacts, business associates and organisations 

Twenty-five years of programming by the Schoenberg Quartet: fighting tirelessly for a high-minded artistic morality. [Original title: Vijfentwintig jaar programmeren door het Schönberg Kwartet. Onvermoeibaar op de bres voor een hoogstaande artistieke moraal] copyright Maarten Brandt. Translation Josh Dillon.

Quartetto Serioso or Eiserne Brigade? [Original title: Quartetto serioso of Die eiserne Brigade?] Copyright Henk Guittart. Translation Caecile de Hoog.

The complete music for strings of the Second Viennese School on disc
Television appearances and recordings

Including programme notes by Maarten Brandt. Translation Josh Dillon.
Radio and television
Publications and sheet music

For information about the Schoenberg Quartet please contact Henk Guittart at